

Conference abstract book: ICNMSME2024-abstract-book.pdf

6th International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering
University of Aveiro, Portugal
July 9-12, 2024

looks for significant Modern Problems of Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering, to provide a platform to the global researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the fields, to give possibility for young scientists and students present results and find your place in the future world.

This Conference has the support of “Agenda ILLIANCE [C644919832-00000035 | Project nº 46]” and “AM2R- Agenda Mobilizadora para a inovação empresarial do setor das Duas Rodas [C644866475-00000012| Project no. 15 ]” financed by PRR – Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência under the Next Generation EU from the European Union.